
Friday, March 16, 2012

Harry Potter's Wand Collectible Items

Okay, I must admit one thing. I love Harry Potter. I've seen the movie...again..and again...and again...and maybe still another again...and again. Actually when I saw the movie, I think the wand is very unique. There's no wizards who has the same wands. They are very the term of shape.

So, I browse again on amazon (as usual) and try to collect as many Harry Potter's Wand available.

Harry Potter
At first I found Harry Potter Illuminating Wand. But, I think this one is more realistic and much more collectable.

The Price is $35 in and still in stock by the time I wrote this article.

You can click here to buy this wand at

Hermione Granger

4.5 Stars! The customers are very happy with this wand.

You can see the customer reviews about this wand at this link. Just click here.

Ron Weasley
Only 5 people buy this wand (or only 5 people give the product review for this wand). Not very popular actually...But they give only 4 and 5 stars review. Giving the product average review 4.5. You can't be dissapointed with this wand i think.

You can buy or see the customer reviews for this wand at this link. Just click here.

Albus Dumbledore
There are several version for this wand. I choose the Ollivander's box version. More realistic I think. hahaha

Click here to see customer reviews about this wand.

Lord Voldemort
Lord Voldemort's wand. Come with Ollivander's Box.

Click here if you want to buy this wand from Amazon.

Severus Snape
I was quite suprised that I found Snape's wand here at Never noticed the shape of Snape's wand either, until I saw this wand. Maybe I'll watch the movie again and make sure that this is Snape's wand.

You can also buy this wand from Amazon. Just click here.

Sirius Black
Another "never noticed" wand actually. Until now. After writing this article I'll definitely watch the movie again.

You can buy this wand from Amazon. Just click here.

Draco Malfoy
At Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2, Harry Potter use Draco's wand to beat Voldemort. So I'm quite surprised that this wand is not as popular as Harry's wand. But, I must admit that Draco's wand is too simple, too smooth, without any carving in it. Unfortunately, the Ollivander's Box is also in yellow-brown color, giving it another cheap look. It's a humble wand I think. But, beside its simplicity I think this wand is still a must have collectable Harry Potter wand.

You can buy this wand from Amazon. Just click here.

Ginny Weasley
Ginny's Wand. The one here not with Ollivander's box unfortunately. But still a very musst have collectable wand.

You can buy this wand from Amazon. Just click here.

Luna Lovegood
I'm quite suprised to found this wand actually.

You can buy this wand from Amazon. Just click here.

Neville Longbottom
This is the last collectible wand I could find at The wand of Neville Longbottom.

You can buy this wand from Amazon. Just click here.

I'm still looking for another wand actually. Especially the wand of Bellatrix Lestrange. The wand have its anusual curve shape. In Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2, Hermione use Bellatrix wand. So I think that wand is a must have collectible item too.

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